There is a saying in hindi, apne pav me kulhadi marna. It literally means,chopping your legs with your own axe.
Shiv, a voice in my head says – why did you to take up this blog challenge.you already have humongous chores to perform at home in the absence of the maid? Another voice in me says, ekla cholo re,who knows what destiny has in store for you.
A promise is a promise. I have given my word, so I forcibly put my pen on paper.
WHY – a three letter word can bring international fame to a person – Simon Sinek. WHY is the crux of existence. It addresses the primordial reptilian brain and goads it into action. The WHAT and the HOW are versions 2.0 and address the pre-frontal cortex. Numbers seem to appeal to this part of the brain. Wouldn’t you agree?
7 Habits of Highly Effective People (a how to manual), Around the World in 80 Days (a how to book), Catch 22 (a what to book) right up to A Life of Pi (a what to story).
In this blog series, I wish to address a WHY question. Why does Lord Ayyappa, if ever exist? Why do 5 million people crave to walk up the 18 steps (padinettam padi) in spite of the 41 day self-mortification?
But Shiva – is this the right topic to talk on right now? Who would be interested in the why of the 18 steps?
Hasn’t your business got a solid thrashing in the last 2 months? Shouldn’t you be addressing terms like – branding, diversification, start-up, scalability, VUCA and so on.
Only a coward would seek refuge in spirituality during these Covid times. Step on the pedal and turn this crisis into an opportunity.
But another voice in me says – does not a snake shed its skin periodically to get a new identity? Doesn’t the old, bald eagle forcibly pull out its feathers, talons, beak, bleed, stay socially distanced to heal itself and get a new identity? Isn’t humanity crying out in unison for a new outlook?
So Shiva, I thrust you with a purpose of figuring out the WHY (reptilian instinct) the decrepit hillock draws 5 million people to its 18 steps every year?
My pen comes to a rest now but I presume the juices will continue to flow.
We Shiv and Savy have been running an institute called TRICHY PLUS for 22 years. We have coached and trained over two and a half lakh students. We are health aficionados and proud parents of the teenage author Sagarikka.
We have donned a new cap called FAMILY FIRST. 22 years of constant endeavor has taught us that – great families make a great nation and happy parents create happy children, who in turn become happy citizens.
In our new venture, we desire to speak, write, blog, travel and connect with as many people as we possibly can. We have together authored a book called FAMILY FIRST and our mission is to serve with love, to serve as much as we can, till we turn to dust.