This 1 Test can save you from Heart Attack

This Blood Marker Test Can Save Your Life.

I was a ‘Narcissist’ – you would recall the story of Narcissus. The young boy who fell in love with his image and spurned every romantic advance. Toward the end, he was the cause of his death. I too was a ‘Narcissist’. My focus was all on myself. The human brain reigns on two emotions […]

Over the years, people have asked us three questions. I want to share my 2 cents on these questions. Don’t miss the 3 Interesting Activities, read on…
Why are Marriages Failing?

Why are Marriages Failing? Paleolithic men did not need a wife to look after the children. For millions of years men and women lived in communities. No child could pin point to its father or mother i.e., no child had a surname or a birth certificate pointing out to who the father was. If mankind […]
Intimacy & Marriage (4 points that can save a Marriage)

These 4 points can save a Marriage: Don’t want sex, get married. Intimacy, sex are taboo topics in our culture. People don’t talk about it here, unlike the western world where it is discussed right from coffee shops to board rooms. In our Family First outings, we talk to families about Health, Relationship, Parenting & […]
11 Biggest Mistakes in Parenting that every Family should work on (Take a Test & check your Score)

I was speaking at a book club; the topic was about – Home & Family. I spoke on Child development, bad parenting, parenting styles, and parenting types. A lady quipped, “What is the point in talking about husband and wife, parenting techniques, and child development. I have lost my child to social media, so have […]
Role of Family & Parenting in Tokyo Olympics 2021 – Success Story 1 – Mirabai Chanu

Tombi Devi ran a tea shop to support her husband Kriti Singh, who was a construction worker at the Manipur construction department. With 6 children, it was difficult to make the ends meet.
Humble suggestion to the Doctors

The doctor was staring at my ECHO readings. He had a convoluted, distorted face, the scariest I had ever seen. “Doctor, could you tell me what’s happening to my heart”, I ejaculated. “It’s ok now but later in life, you could have a heart attack”, he exclaimed. That’s it. I paid Rs 3000 for ‘it […]
Why don’t we have a SKIN IN THE GAME?

I wish to share 3 Instances: Dr. Abdul Kalam bypassed the faulty computer systems and went ahead with the launch. The rocket failed to take off and fell into the Bay of Bengal. He was all set to be pulverized at the press conference, but his Guru and leader Shri Satish Dhawan faced the newspaper […]
3 Chicken Soup Recipes for your Heart

Recipe 1: I recently heard an interview of Tim Grover, the iconic coach of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. One day Tim’s 7-year-old daughter asked him, “Dad, why don’t you stay at home longer?” Tim replied, “Daddy has to work hard to put food on your table.” His daughter then innocently asked him, […]