What to say when someone passes away?

Last 30 days, there have been deaths all around us. A few days ago, the wife of my student passed away due to COVID-19, so did the mother of another student.
Why do I react?

After conducting a faculty development workshop at a prestigious college in Trichy for about 100 teachers, it was time for me to collect their feedback. The faculty had to give 2 sets of feedback. One to me and one to the college management. By mistake, the college management feedback came to me.
Open letter to Jeo Baby (The Great Indian Kitchen)

Greetings Mr. Jeo Baby, I am sure you would have heard of the cause and effect fallacy. In this, we falsely assume that one event causes the other. This is the same technique used by you to prime your viewers in the movie ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’.
Why do I pay Bribes?

COVID times have been financially challenging. Since March 2020, my coaching institute has been locked up. In spite of that, the electricity board has been us on an average of Rs 3000 every month. If I refuse to pay for zero consumption I would have to forego electricity forever.
Our sages knew it long before the rest of the world

A beautiful custom – the bride and bridegroom are dragged to watch the Arundathi star as a part of their marriage vows. The couple pretends to see it, not knowing its significance. This tradition has been followed for over 5000 years of recorded Indian history. The stars are binary – Arundathi & Vasishta, which revolve […]
Future of Families

What would be the future of families? The holocaust shattered the dreams of millions of families, as did the largest exodus in the world. 18 million people transmigrated to Punjab to fulfill the desires and whims of Jinnah. Recently, ISIS & Assad stood steadfast on their ideology, hence trans-locating a million families. Is this migration […]

Manglayam tantunanena mama jeevana hetuna, Kanthe badhnami subhage twam jeeva sarada satam I tie this sacred thread around your neck, auspicious lady, so that we live together for 100 years.
Watch ‘EAT FAST DIE YOUNG’ Documentary Film

First time ever, a drama in real life. A daring experiment by an eighteen-year-old girl. Sagarikka the author of the best-selling book ‘My Unskooled Year’ is a very conscientious girl with the right food habits. She is a fitness freak and had been crying from pillar to post telling her ‘junk loving’ friends to put […]
Am I good or bad?

You can judge the nature of man by how he behaves with people who do nothing for him. This seemed like an apt quote in good times but is it relevant to how things are shaping up in our life currently? Are people really good or bad or do circumstances make them so? Philosophers state […]

A million sperms tracked an ovary, only one hit the target and that came out to be me. I was instantly labeled, given a gender, a nationality, a caste and a social status. So, who am I? I have listed below a few explanations through which I have tried to define myself: Psychologists say that I […]