September 12, 2021


Name Rotary Club of Tinnevely Categories Outside Events , Workshops



FAMILY FIRST Workshop 2.0 in Tirunelveli

Family First 2.0 at Tirunelveli is organized by the Rotary Club of Tinnevely, one of the oldest clubs in South India.
Workshop for Rotary Families in RI District 3212.
Sagarikka also joined us as a Special Speaker
Delighted to launch our Tamil Edition of Paperbacks in the presence of DG Rtn Jacintha mam, DGE Rtn Muthu sir & other dignitaries…Family First & My Unskooled Year 
The workshop was well-received & excellent participation by the Rotary Families in Tirunelveli
Our FAMILY FIRST 2.0 at Tirunelveli was a successful event & widely covered by the media