March 19, 2023


Name Rotary Club of Puliyangudi Categories Masterclass , Rotary International



Family First 29.0 in Puliangudi

Family First 29.0 in Puliangudi organised by Rotary Club of Puliangudi.

Puliangudi is a small town near Shankaran Kovil also called the Lemon town of India

We had a wonderful session for families. About 45 couples were present along with the Rotarians – total 120 participants.
Thanks to the District Governor RID 3212 , Project Chairman, Club President, Assistant Governor & fellow Rotarians
Special thanks to the event sponsor Arun Ice-creams.
The participants found the session highly invigorating, useful and informative.
The audience was fantastic, very energetic and enthusiastic…Many parents came and shared their feedback.